How to get rid of worms and other parasites at home

Garlic and onion to remove worms

Some people are interested in the question of how to get rid of worms at home, because today there is a high prevalence of helminthiasis in the population.

Abdominal pain with parasites

Parasites enter the human body in several ways. In the process of life, worms secrete toxins. The stronger the infection, the more intense the symptoms and the greater the harmful effects on the human body. Worms cause a lot of damage to the body, which can be best treated at home.

Ways to get rid of parasites: using pumpkin seeds

The human body has favorable conditions for the life and development of worms. People may not know they are infected. These problems mainly occur in children, because they often do not follow personal hygiene. But adults can also have worms. Parasites enter the human body through soil and water, where worm eggs are found, by contact with infected people, animals, eating meat, fish, poultry, poorly thermally processed meat, as well as poorly washed vegetables, fruits and other foods. products. . Worms are dangerous because they parasitize in the intestines, tissues, lungs, brain, liver, lymphatic vessels, causing life-threatening complications.

Parasite headache

Soon after infection, people experience:

  • deterioration of health;
  • headache;
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the joints;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • Fever
  • weakness
  • drowsiness;
  • Manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • Depression.

With helminthic invasions, a toxic effect is manifested, immunity decreases, chronic diseases are aggravated, as well as inflammatory processes. The most dangerous worms for pregnant women. When parasites are detected in a child, it is necessary to undergo prophylaxis for the whole family. At the same time, you should follow the doctor's advice on taking medications, get a detailed consultation on the use of alternative treatment methods that help remove worms from the body. A very effective and proven way to get rid of parasites is using pumpkin seeds. Advantages of the method:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • low price;
  • ease of preparation;
  • pleasant taste.

The seeds do not show toxic effects, so the method is good for children, pregnant women due to its safety. Cleaned seeds are crushed with a food processor, processed with honey until smooth. The medicine is taken on an empty stomach. Seeds can be fried in a pan. Raw peeled and crushed seeds are combined with boiling water, mixed, the liquid is evaporated, filtered and taken for processing. Pumpkin seeds contain the amino acid cucurbitin, which can kill parasites. Anyone who consumes enough of this substance will get rid of them.

Folk ways to deal with worms

Traditional medicine has a huge supply, among which there are effective remedies for parasites. Natural ingredients are the best medicine that can get rid of parasitic worms quickly and safely. Walnut leaves give a good effect in treatment. They can cure an adult and a child if you dry them, pour them in boiling water, insist and drink them in small portions. A well-known method using an electric campaign. The rhizomes of the plant insist and drink for several days in a row. Tansy and wormwood are widely used in folk medicine, from which they prepare medicinal decoctions, decoctions, drink or use enemas.

Remove worms from the body with the help of garlic. Its small cloves are roasted, poured with warm milk and drunk. Warm decoctions of garlic are used for enema, with pins, a clove of garlic can be inserted into the anus. Adults eat garlic cloves with milk, after which they take laxatives. Patients get excellent results with carrot juice mixed with sugar (honey) and a few drops of lemon. Drink this drink for several days in the morning on an empty stomach. You can use grated carrot boiled in milk to treat parasites.

Coconut has an anthelmintic effect. The treatment of this method does not require special preparation, diet and laxatives. You should break the coconut, eat all the liquid and pulp in the morning on an empty stomach. This remedy is used even when infection with tapeworm and giardia is observed. Good results are achieved using pumpkin seed oil as a parasite treatment. The best preventive measure is personal hygiene, washing hands before eating, washing vegetables and fruits well, cooking meat, poultry, fish well, drinking water according to sanitary standards. Medicines recommended by the doctor, homeopathy, herbal medicine, diet therapy, saving methods are used for prevention.